Individual Journey

Since Charles Alexander Eastman, 1858-1939, named Ohiseya (Winner), of the Wahpeton Dakota, was raised traditionally as a Woodland Sioux by his grandmother, Uncheeda, until he was 15 years of age, he was fortunately able to be deeply grounded in the Native Spiritual traditions, language, culture, and oral history of his people before receiving a white man's education and eventually becoming a physician, autobiographer, lecturer and teller of legends.

The profound depth and wisdom of his Native traditional background shines through in the legacy of his beautifully written words.

'Each soul must meet the morning sun, the new sweet earth, and the Great Silence alone! What is Silence? It is the Great Mystery! The Holy Silence is His voice!'

I was reminded of Shri Mataji's voice as She spoke with such loving depth about the individual inward journey.

"Every moment remember that your movement has to be inward. When you move inward you forget your ideas of outer glories. It is an individual journey towards God. When you meditate and when you reach there, then you beome collective. Before that it's an absolutely individual journey within. It's an absolutely individual journey.

You should be able to see this - that in this journey nobody is your relation, nobody is your friend. You are absolutely alone, absolutely alone. You have to move alone within yourself. Don't hate anyone, don't be irresponsible, but in a meditative mood you are alone. No one exists there, you alone, and once you enter into that ocean, then the whole world is your own manifestation. All the children become your children and you treat all people with equal understanding."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - 1988

NOTE: If this page was accessed during a web search you may wish to browse the sites listed below where this topic or related issues are discussed in detail to promote global peace, religious harmony, and spiritual development of humanity:

  ' Divine Feminine (Hinduism)
  ' Divine Feminine (Christianity)
  ' Divine Feminine (Judaism)
  ' Divine Feminine (Islam)
  ' Divine Feminine (Taoism)
  ' Divine Feminine (Buddhism)
  ' Divine Feminine (Sikhism)  ' Divine Feminine (Native Traditions)
